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Love can change any equation

The man started to write a short story in a relaxed and unhurried mood in his late 20’s for his personal website. The protagonist of this story called Bashar who cherished to be a famous person once in his early life. However, the book Alchemist was his one of the favorite reading lists among the books he read in his entire life. “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”-is a famous quote from the best se ller book titled ‘The Alchemist’ by Paul Coelho. Though, this quotation for which he was suggested to read this book was also his favorite, he was unlikely the believer in the conspiracy theory. Even he hated the conspiracy theory and conspiracy against anyone since his childhood.   During the University life, he faced mixed experiences because of his diversified lifestyle. In the classroom, a senior Professor of his department encouraged the students to conduct a research on the founder of one of the oldest political party of Bangladesh. T
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Hope turns into despair, turning point starts in life

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Memory never dies; it resonates to human brains time to time

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Tips to be happy and successful in life!

If you want to be happy and successful in life, you need to follow few simple rules in life.  Most of the people don’t  understand about the way of happiness and success in life.  They set unrealistic goals to accomplish in life. As these goals are unrealistic for them,they could not achieve these goals in their life. For example, if a poor man wants to be millionaire in a few months or within a year, it is unrealistic for him. As a result, he incurred the feelings of failure in his goals and ultimately become unhappy in life.  On the Other hand, a person can be happy by following the strategy of realistic goals to accomplish and contentment in life. First of all, you have to define your present position and standard of life. If you are a student and awaiting for final exam, achieving better result could be your goal. You should attend the exam without tension and put your best efforts in the exam. Secondly, achieving good grade required a lot of efforts for the exam.  After that you c

Embracing success in life!

 Md. Selim Reza  In every situation, either we consider ourselves as successful or failure in our day to day life. In most cases, we are unable to recognise our-self as successful person or identify our success stories. However, even the most successful person of our society, often complained about their failures without recognising their own success stories.  To understand the concept, "Embracing success in life ", the concept itself have to be clarified. First of all, we have to understand success and failure of our life whichever would lead us to realise the title of this article. Secondly,  success stories and failure stories have to be identified by analysing the definition of success and failure. In my opinion, success means achieving desired target within the timeframe I set for myself. It could be either tiny or gigantic target to be accomplished within short term framework or long term framework.  On the Other hand, failure means the situation when one person could n

National Education Policy 2010

Md.Selim Reza National Education Policy 2010 was enacted almost five years ago. How far successful the national education policy 2010 has become yet in implementation level? Time has come to evaluate this policy outcome and success of this policy. In this article focus has been given to Pre-Primary level education, Primary education, Adult education and Secondary level education. One of my articles published on “The Daily Sun” titled “National Education Policy 2010 and Higher Education in Bangladesh” in 5th March, 2017. This writing mostly focused on different aspects of Higher Education in Bangladesh. The aim and objective of National Education Policy 2010 was many. Among them spreading ICT education was one of the main aims. The Government has become successful in implementation of ICT education from secondary level to higher secondary level education. To ensure proper quality education at each level was another aim of this policy. Ensuring quality education is also goal 4 of Sust

National Education Policy 2010 and Higher Education in Bangladesh

National Education Policy 2010 and Higher Education in Bangladesh Md.Selim Reza Bangladesh Government passed the “National Education Policy 2010” under Ministry of Education. This Policy had 28 chapters and 3 Annexures. There may be a vast discussion on this policy but I want to discuss about the implementation and evaluation of the policy. This policy has been passed since more than 5 years back. There should be an evaluation of this policy to understand the effectiveness of this policy. In Chapter 8 of this policy “Higher Education” has been discussed. The aims and objectives of higher education are alright with the provisions of growing up free thinking, creative, humane citizens.  The most important provision among them is to build up citizens who will possess scientific, secular, liberal, humane and forward looking mindset. Another aim of higher education is innovation of new areas of knowledge through cultivation, research and creativity. This policy also suggested strate